What Clients Say
D. Kashyap
Mumbai, India
I would like to express enormous gratitude to Josephine for my Soul Profile reading done through accessing my Akashic record. I also had a follow-up reading on my life lessons and my Soul Manifesting Blueprint.
The best thing about Josephine's readings is that they are a blend of both intuition and logic. The accuracy and precision of my personality and soul attributes she picked up through accessing my Akashic record gave me confidence and trust in her readings, which I haven't experienced with any other reader and therapist so far.
From my Soul Profile reading, she suggested I look up historical periods that were pertinent to me and I found this to be very insightful in my personal exploration and growth.
The homework she gave me to clear my blocks and restrictions was simple to do and very powerful. I felt it had a profound impact on me.
Josephine’s readings offer clear guidelines to help you set intentions and make life decisions. I found there was little need for clarifications after the reading as the approach was well planned and structured and the information was detailed and clear. It was as perfect as any reading could possibly be. She is exactly the kind of reader I have been looking for.
I wish Josephine lots of success in her endeavours and thank her very much for her efforts.
Director, Singapore
For the past one year, I’ve been on a personal journey to overcome my inner anger, anxiety and lack of self esteem due to a toxic past. I’ve tried counselling, subconscious healing, meditation, detoxing, but the treatment using Medical Intuition (Soul Intuition) provided by Josephine was a real life-changer for me after trying so many techniques.
After just the first intuitive session, I have removed a deep rooted pain from the past, which seems to be the source of my angry demeanour. I also don’t flare up easily these days with no trace of explosive anger that I used to have. I’m also more approachable as my demeanour has changed from an angry outlook to a more compassionate one.
Today I feel as if a huge burden in my heart has been lifted and the world around me looks a lot brighter and so much more meaningful than before. I highly recommend this therapy to my friends and loved ones. Looking forward to the next session with Josephine!
P.W. Tan
Finance Executive, Singapore
I have been working with Josephine for some time for my autoimmune health condition using nutrition and functional testing.
I decided to try medical intuition (Soul Intuition) with her as I was easily triggered by my parents and my boyfriend. I was easily angered, aggravated or acted not interested or in a dismissive way. I was lost and wanted to find out the source of these unexplained emotions.
The sessions uncovered past emotional trauma that led to issues of unworthiness, anger, fears of expressing myself, etc. These probably contributed to my physical health condition as well.
I was gently guided to process and clear these old energies.
My boyfriend saw how much I improved after only the first session that he too went to have an intuitive session with Josephine.
Working with Josephine is truly holistic as together we address body, mind and spirit.
Lisa M.
Health Professional, Singapore
My intuitive sessions were fascinating as Josephine guided me through childhood relationship issues that cropped up and helped me to clear out some misconceptions and associated baggage. Upon doing the simple “homework” Josephine gave me, the relationships changed for the better.
In a follow up we discovered that one of the aspects holding me back from achieving my potential in certain areas was that I was stifling my creativity.
Josephine picks up some very interesting things and then gently guides you to explore what that means and how you can approach resolution in an ultimately doable manner.
During each session the surprises and the honesty were handled with sensitivity and insight by Josephine as she uncovered new perspectives on things that have perhaps been restricting me for my whole life. It is a very cathartic experience.
Having trialled several therapies out of professional curiosity and being a natural sceptic, as well as being very protective of my subconscious, I found it easy to trust Josephine and relax into the process.
S. Brown
Property Developer, London
The intuition session I had with Josephine was incredibly powerful. It made me realise what had been holding me back in some areas in my life and therefore what I needed to change to set myself free.
Its intuitive, its energetic and its hugely insightful, giving yourself the revelations you never could get working in a conscious process-driven way.
Josephine herself is calming, empathetic and motivating. I would recommend you to have a go if there is something you can’t quite get to the bottom of with logic.
Leantara Shah
Akasha Records Master, Reiki Master, Channeler and Shaman, Singapore
Josephine did a soul realignment reading for me and it really helped me in so many ways. First of all there was a clear validation of what I already knew as a healer and confirmed that I was on the right path in my work. For example, she channeled that my soul profile essence was love and healing and mentioned the words loving acceptance, which is a project I am currently working on with Marie Magdalene. Back then, I had not started this work yet. How accurate and amazing is that?
Josephine also gave me new information about one of my origins – star system Hadar. That was new to me and after meditating on it, discovered that I had spent time there and been nurtured in and of unconditional love and left before the big fall of Hadar.
This allows me now to tap into that well of unconditional love and understand why embracing all, light and shadow, is so important to me.
So much gratitude for a very accurate and very helpful reading in the Akasha. I would absolutely recommend Josephine as she is able to bring forth relevant and accurate information that will certainly be of service for you.
In gratitude and love.
R. Lee
Singaporean living in Australia
Josephine is a genuine and highly intuitive therapist who not only assisted me in my journey through depression and anxiety, but also helped me in understanding and healing my subconscious wounds.
In our intuitive and soul realignment sessions, Josephine facilitates with empathy and provides a non-judgemental safe space for me to delve and explore deep within myself. She has a pure and compassionate energy that makes me feel safe and is highly in-tuned with herself. Every time I got stuck, she was able to help me untangle the jumbled mess in my head. Her interpretation was always spot on and they enabled me and guided me back to light, all without any imposition of her own subjective mind or values.
Practically, she has assisted me with moving ahead with concrete goals that aligns with my life and circumstances. She does not instruct on what is the right steps but through exploring together, she helps me fine tune my goals so they are manageable and achievable.
Through her, I have learnt many things about my subconscious and gained better clarity on the reasons for my pain and suffering inside. With her guidance and support, I am now able to better accept myself and start my journey of healing and self empowerment. She assisted me in finding what practical actions would be suitable for me without telling me what to do, and affirmed my choices with compassion and patience.
Josephine is a gem of a therapist and I highly recommend her work.
R. Roberts
Technology Marketing and Product Manager, Hong Kong and working internationally
Josephine’s Manifesting Blueprint analysis work brought me clarity on how I am wired, through the characteristics of my soul, to create and manifest. Together with my earlier Soul Profile reading, I gained insights into my past motivations and it helped me realise where I had blind spots.
She then took it further, assisting me with the identification and refinement of a series of concrete steps that will allow me to better focus on specific goals, in various aspects of my life, and that will best allow me to fulfil my divine destiny.
For example, one of my goals is better work-life balance. Josephine helped me get clear on what I mean by this, what actually constitutes work-life balance for me, instead of a woolly concept.
Then through how my soul is wired to manifest, she helped me with who I should be looking to work with, what type of staff to hire, how to negotiate with my manager, the right tools to help me with manifesting, how to interact to get positive impact, among others.
While the work sounds esoteric, what you get is a practical way to create the life you want which is aligned to your soul’s special gifts and doing so through how you are wired. And once we know how, we have to take action.
I highly recommend Josephine to anybody seeking a deeper understanding of their own blueprint and the actions they can take to manifest the life that is truly theirs.
Karen Tsui
Writer and Consultant, Hong Kong
There were many “aha” and “spot-on” moments during my Soul Profile session with Josephine (Jo). Her approach is both methodical yet intuitive.
The past lives Jo retrieved from my Akashic Record were totally relevant to the challenges I have been facing in this life. Knowing the "back (past life) stories" to these challenges gave me more peace.
Jo helped me understand how to approach my personal work so that the hurt, blocks or restrictions could be healed and cleared. This reading clarified my life purpose, giving me a confidence booster to run and carry forth with the work I do and ultimately, be aligned with my Truth.
My second reading with Jo, about my spiritual guides, came at a very interesting time. She informed me that I had a new member on my team of guides. Amazingly, I had recently noticed changes physically that corroborated the new addition to the team!
I’d recommend a reading with Jo for those who would like to make better sense of their lives and challenges, as well as be in for an intuitive sounding board on taking your own life forward.
Coach, Singapore
One of my biggest challenges in life is navigating transitions graciously without being paralysed by fear. Easier said than done. I had earnestly been searching for the inner peace and my life's purpose for many years.
There were many occasions of realization and awareness, but nothing to tie everything neatly together. I finally connected all the dots after my reading with Josephine (Jo).
One of my lessons was to "Let go, and Let God" which I had meditated on this morning. It was uncanny Jo used the exact same words to help me arrive with clarity.
I’d love to work with you

Hello, my name is Josephine. I’d love to work with you if you are looking for someone who can translate what seems to be esoteric information into practical recommendations.
I’d love to work with you if you want someone who can look at health issues through both scientific and spiritual lenses.
I’d love to work with you if you are willing to make new choices so as to create a better outcome in your life. I’m here to facilitate the possibility to change, open the door and invite you to walk through.
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Overseas: Skype or Zoom
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Overseas: Skype or Zoom