Soul Intuition
What is Soul Intuition?
This was originally referred to as Medical Intuition but I prefer to call it Soul Intuition because it is relevant to more than health issues.
It is an energetic process that connects to your Soul’s Intelligence and uses innate intuition to perceive information from the different dimensions of your existence.
It can cut right to the origins of unresolved health or life challenges. Or it can peel, reveal and allow you to work through issues layer by layer.
On the physical level, I may perceive where in the body potential health problems could occur, existing dysfunction in organs and contributing factors such as nutrient deficiencies and toxins.
Information may also come from levels beyond the physical. What is revealed depends on the individual’s willingness and readiness, both at the conscious and deeper subconscious levels.

Example of an illustration done during a session
What happens in a session?
A session lasts up to 1.5 hours. No prior preparation is needed, just your willingness to keep an open mind. If you have a specific intention or concern you want to focus on, you may inform me, otherwise no information is required.
We start by sitting in a quiet meditative state. With your permission I “energetically scan” your auric field, body and organs.
I will relay whatever I pick up intuitively – these may be colours, images, thoughts, feelings, words or energetic attachments. More often than not, you would know what these mean. If not, I will guide you to work out what the information may relate to. I may illustrate what I perceive on paper.
I encourage you to engage during the session e.g. in the healing steps or even scanning yourself. We will have a brief discussion at the end.

Example of an illustration done during a session
What happens after a session?
I will give you some homework. Please carry it out for the recommended duration. Active participation helps you to take responsibility for your own life. I am simply the facilitator on your healing journey.
During this time or weeks after completing your homework, you or those close to you may notice positive changes physically, emotionally or mentally. You may find something else crops up – another layer surfaces – that you are ready to deal with.
In some instances, too much fear and resistance may make it seem like nothing has changed.
Depending on individual circumstances, follow-up sessions may be beneficial or I may recommend a Soul Realignment reading to clarify certain information.
I may recommend you consult a medical professional or other therapists where appropriate.
Disclaimer: Soul Intuition is not a substitute for proper medical care. It does not diagnose or treat medical conditions.

I’d love to work with you

Hello, my name is Josephine. I’d love to work with you if you are looking for someone who can translate what seems to be esoteric information into practical recommendations.
I’d love to work with you if you want someone who can look at health issues through both scientific and spiritual lenses.
I’d love to work with you if you are willing to make new choices so as to create a better outcome in your life. I’m here to facilitate the possibility to change, open the door and invite you to walk through.
Get in touch
Sessions by appointment:
Singapore: In person, Skype or Zoom
Overseas: Skype or Zoom
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Sessions by appointment:
Singapore: In person, Skype or Zoom
Overseas: Skype or Zoom